Legacy’s continued growth lead to hiring a several key leaders in the company. Al Kelly – Safety Manager Dan Gay – Senior Estimator Forest Badeaux – SoCal Division ManagerContinue Reading
As Legacy continued to grow its volume of work, the team added highly experienced senior foundations managers. Marshal Smith – Senior Project Manager Andy Payne – Senior Project ManagerContinue Reading
Legacy Foundations began when Vice President Rusty Lucido and Project Sponsor Anthony Lucido recognized an opportunity to provide their skill set to parent company, Shimmick’s Gerald Desmond Bridge project. After speaking with Shimmick leadership, the drilling division of Shimmick was formed.Continue Reading
Louis C. Lucido passed away in a tragic equipment-related accident. Rusty, Anthony, Frank, Chris, Kent, Felix and seven key drillers in addition to about 15 others (operators, superintendents, project managers) became a part of Shimmick Construction Company.Continue Reading
Rusty Lucido graduated high-school and began working for Becho Inc. Rusty brought in junior-high friends, Felix Fuentes, Kent Petersen, and Zak Peterson.Continue Reading